101 Day Sleep

Sapphire Sleep Home Trial Policy

If within the first 101 nights of sleeping on your new Sapphire Sleep Gel Memory Foam MATTRESS you’re not completely satisfied—for any reason—you may return it for a full refund. Please note that if you return a product under our 101-Night Trial Policy that we originally shipped to an address in Alaska or Hawaii, we will be unable to refund the shipping fees that you paid for the original delivery.
Your returned mattress will likely be donated to charity. If a pickup of your Sapphire Sleep Gel Memory Foam mattress is necessary, Sapphire Sleep will cover the related charges. However, because we cannot handle international shipping and logistics expenses, your mattress must be in the United States at the time you wish to take advantage of the 101-Night Trial Policy.
Please note that, in all cases, the original receipt showing proof of purchase may be required to take advantage of the 101-Night Trial Policy.
This policy is limited to one return per household per year, and it must be exercised directly with Sapphire Sleep no later than the 101st day following delivery (or your personal possession) of the Product for which you want a refund.
As noted above, our 101-Night Trial Policy applies only to original purchasers of genuine Sapphire Sleep products and people who purchased their product(s) directly from the website at SapphireSleep.Com.”
Purchases from any other online site or from a retail store will not be eligible for the 101-Night Trial Policy.
The 101-Night Trial Policy thus only applies during the period in which the Product is owned and controlled by the original purchaser of that Product. PLEASE RETAIN YOUR PURCHASE RECEIPT SO THAT YOU CAN PRESENT IT TO US IF NECESSARY.